Sign up now for your COVID-19 Vaccine at Mount Nittany Health
Vaccine appointments are available to Pennsylvanians who are 16 and older.
To register for the vaccine, click “Sign up now” and complete the form at your convenience. You do not need to be a Mount Nittany Health patient to request an appointment, and there is no out-of-pocket cost for the vaccine. We will contact you with your appointment date and time.
To help you with the registration system and answer your questions, please check the COVID-19 Vaccine Information page.
Studies show the COVID vaccines are safe and effective. To learn more about COVID-19 vaccines, visit our COVID-19 Vaccine Information page. To protect yourself and your loved ones, get the first vaccine available to you as soon as possible.
COVID-19 Update
Tiffany Cabibbo, DSc, MSN, BSN, RN, CENP, executive vice president, patient care services and chief nursing officer for Mount Nittany Health provides a vaccine update and answers questions on COVID-19.
Volunteer for COVID vaccine clinics
Mount Nittany Health is looking for volunteers in our community, including active or retired licensed health care professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), nursing students and medical students, to help administer COVID-19 vaccines at our vaccine clinics at Mount Nittany Health.
Mount Nittany Health is committed to administering the COVID-19 vaccine to our community as quickly as possible, as supplies are made available.
We need your help to continue our COVID-19 vaccination efforts. If you are interested, please visit our COVID Vaccination Volunteer page to see if you are eligible and to apply.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mount Nittany Health weekly COVID update (May 7)
There are currently 16 COVID positive inpatients at Mount Nittany Medical Center, ages 48 to 93, with 17 COVID related admissions, and an average daily census of 19 COVID positive inpatients this first week in May.
Download the free COVID Alert PA app to add your phone in the fight against COVID-19. Get exposure alerts without compromising your privacy or personal information. Downloading the app is voluntary, but the more Pennsylvanians that use the app, the more successful our efforts will be to stop the spread of COVID-19. Learn More.
Mount Nittany Health COVID-19 Community Hotline: 814.231.7111
Mount Nittany Health has a dedicated COVID-19 hotline available to the community: 814.231.7111. The COVID-19 hotline will be answered daily from 7:00 am – 11:00 pm.
Send a message to our healthcare workers
The Mount Nittany Health team has shown the epitome of courage, compassion, and commitment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those qualities are only rivaled by their skills and excellence in their work to care for our community. In this season of gratitude, you can share your support for our doctors, nurses, and hospital staff during this unprecedented time via our virtual gratitude website, The virtual gratitude board allows community members to post their notes, images, and videos of encouragement and thanks to our staff. Viewers can also share posts on the board with popular social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.